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Proceedings of the 1998 Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference, held in Denver, Colorado, March 22-27, 1998. This collection contains 193 papers describing successful approaches for river restoration, wetland restoration, watershed management, and the use of constructed wetlands for water and wastewater treatment. Restoring or establishing complex ecosystems such as wetlands, riparian zones, and streams requires interdisciplinary cooperation. Engineers have long been part of interdisciplinary teams, but little information has been available to assist the development or evaluation of engineering approaches to restoration. Successful and unsuccessful case studies from Florida to Alaska and all places between are described. Potential solutions to a wide variety of ecosystem concerns in urban, suburban, and coastal environments are presented. The volume contains summaries of discussion sessions on hot-button topics related to restoration, such as "Is true watershed management achievable?", "Buzzwords," "Do ecologists and engineers have differing views on restoration?", and many others.