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Prepared by the Water and Wastewater Committee of the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquakes Engineering of ASCE.
This TCLEE Monograph provides checklists to screen for seismically vulnerable water and wastewater facilities. The checklists facilitate the assessment of seismic vulnerability for water and wastewater system components and provide useful information for improving loss mitigation programs. A brief overview explains the checklist format and organization. Checklists are presented for five categories of water and wastewater system facilities and components: surface facilities and components; storage, distribution, and collection components; treatment facilities and components; support equipment; and administration, operations and maintenance facility contents.
Items covered by checklists include: surface water supply and water impoundment; wells; above-ground water transmission canals and pipelines; buried piping; pumps; valves; water storage reservoirs; chemical feed equipment; chemical storage tanks; clarifiers and sedimentation basins; digesters; submerged piping; water filters; anchor bolts; building and system piping; communication towers and antennas; computer equipment; cranes; emergency power; laboratory equipment; local electrical system components; ceilings and lights; glazing; HVAC systems; office equipment; partition walls; and storage racks.