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Structures 2004: Building on the Past, Securing the Future


  • Proceedings of the 2004 Structures Congress, held in Nashville, Tennessee, May 22-26, 2004. Sponsored by the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE. This collection contains 180 papers that explore the latest changes in codes, including wind and seismic provisions along with important new approaches, such as blast resistance, to enhance the security and stability of the structures. Rehabilitation and retrofitting emerge as a critical topic because private companies and government agencies alike are upgrading existing structures to hold the line on insurance premiums and to meet Federal Emergency Management Agency guidelines. Topics include: innovations in infrastructure design; recent trends in transportation structures; design approaches for different model building codes; restoration and repair of existing structures; seismic design concepts; project delivery systems; business and professional practice in structural engineering; ongoing theoretical and experimental research activities; and computation methods.

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