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Dispute Avoidance and Resolution for Consulting Engineers

ASCE Press


  • This book combines legal considerations with typical engineering practice to answer the questions of today's practicing engineer. Allen draws upon his years of professional experience as a lawyer and a civil engineer to provide simple, straightforward techniques that can be used by consulting engineers.

    Topics include: avoiding disputes at their inception; how and when conflicts can be resolved on-site; formal resolution techniques for when problems expand outside the client and engineer's control and require the services of legal counsel; contract negotiations; design; funding management; specification and drawing preparation; and construction administration.

    This book will provide practicing engineers with a rich collection of facts, tips, and recommendations on how to best approach on-site dispute situations.

    This title is not available for download by the chapter.

For selected items:
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Dispute Avoidance
Chapter 3 Dispute Resolution
Chapter 4 Conclusion